- 話してみたいなと思える人がトークを聞いてて見つかる場合もあるので、他のSNSと違って発見がある。
- 会話してみるとコミュニケーションの距離感が縮まった感じになる。
- InstagramやTwitterと連携して使うと、自分の興味に似通った人が見つかりやすい。
- コロナ禍でリモートワークしてるので、以外ととっつきやすい。
- Zoomと比べると動画がないので、ゆる〜く聞ける。
- 挙手してモデレーターが承認して参加できるのが面白い。
- 音声SNSの方がノイズ(スパム)を察知しやすい気がする。
- 声のトーンで好き嫌いがわかりやすい。
- 頑張って会話に参加する勇気。
- 挙手して会話に混じれなかったら凹む。
- 挙手しても会話に入れてくれない場合。
- イマイチ好きなトピックが出てこない。
- フォロワーが少ないとなかなか自分からルームを作っても始まらない。
A. 2021年の後半には成人は皆摂取できる。但し幼児はまだ研究が必要ため未定。
Supplies will increase over time, and all adults should be able to get vaccinated later in 2021. However, a COVID-19 vaccine may not be available for young children until more studies are completed.
Vaccine doses purchased with U.S. taxpayer dollars will be given to the American people at no cost. However, vaccination providers will be able to charge an administration fee for giving the shot to someone.
A. たいていのワクチンは弱った菌を体に入れて免疫反応を起こさせるが、mRNAワクチンは生きたCovid-19ウィルスを使わない。mRNAワクチンは代わりに人体の細胞にプロテイン(Covid-19の表面にあるスパイクプロテイン)の作り方を指示して免疫反応を起こす。その結果、抗体が作られる。
To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.
Q. 安全性は?
A. 安全らしいがまだ実績が無い。
Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. —Jim Rohn
成功は些細な訓練を日々実践した結果。挫折は些細な判断ミスを日々積み重ねた結果である。 --ジム・ローン
2018年 1月3日 晴れ
Am I busy or not automated?
So how would I normalize this situation in terms of the balance of demand and supply. Delegate, is the keyword. Someone who is skilled in communicating with others would delegate tasks to someone else. On the other hand, someone with skilled in writing a code could automate or I should say auto-process the routines which are in the form of tasks.
Why delegate in the first place? Because a distribute processing is better than central processing. My processing spec is limited. Therefore, a throughput I can generate is limited. Distribution is about delegation, and it means increasing the throughput by means of distributed processing no matter who the recipients are.
What are the differences between human delegation and programmatic delegation? They are emotion, deep learning, experiences. Program sounds easy, but every interface to communicate for delegation is different as well as the quality of the outputs whatsoever. You may see inconsistencies in human delegation from the experience levels not so much in programs. There is also a question of "in the queue" or process "on demand". Freedom of choosing who to delegate goes beyond imagination.
Let me illustrate some examples of delegation.
Machine (program): Send me a summary of the news on a keyword "apple" in an email on a daily basis.
Human: Go to the supermarket on a xxth street and buy tonight's dinner and bring back home.
Both are delegations. Most of the time, human interface accompanies fuzziness in I/O. The AIs, on the other hand, have sophisticated and began to understand these fuzziness with the effort of better deep learning with better processors. That's what you are seeing on the news.
What can be delegated and automated is my focal point in getting out of the busy state. That is how I try to balance out my through put nowadays. If that's possible, I can do more things that I want to do.